Production Blog

 This is my last part of putting the commercial together. In this part, I am placing the audio with the video. My first way of trying this was putting uploading the video to the sound I posted on TikTok. I stated that 2 blogs ago. The video ended up getting muted due to copyright restrictions. So, I could not save the video for submission. I then tried again, with the same method but reuploading the sound to TikTok. This did not end up working. What I ended up doing was uploading the song onto Video Star. That was the app I used to create the sound originally. I added the video to the song from Video Star. From there I realized that the video was too short. I had to make the video longer. Or I had to cut the song short. I choose to make the video longer. I went back on TikTok and went in my drafts. I opened the video and added a few more picture and videos. I made sure to watch the time count when doing so. I did that to make sure I got the time needed. After that I added the video onto the song in Video Star and saved the commercial.


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